APP instructions


  1. Schedule private live stream

  2. Schedule public live stream

  3. Overview

Are you missing your anyting?
Reach out to for your request

Schedule public live stream (Youtube)


Schedule a live streaming event to YouTube for events of games in your venue. Good to build followers to your channel.

Your actions

  1. Go to o to and sign in with your club admin

  2. Click stream tab -> scroll down to YOUTUBE section ->

  3. Select what camera you want to stream with

  4. Set start date/time and end date/time

  5. Insert your mail and you get the youtube link shared to you 24 hours before the game starts.

Schedule a private live stream


Schedule a live streaming for your events or games. Simple and easy and you can have pay-per-view for audience if you desire.


  1. Go to and sign-in with your club admin

  2. Click stream tab -> schedule steam -> set start date/time and end date/time

  3. Set a price if you want the players to pay or if it shall be free to watch.

  4. Click OK and copy and share the links to social medias/whatsapp groups or sms groups.